This review by Fresh Store Builder member “Dzign Geekz” tells the story of launching his first store in April and making his first sales in May. Thank you for sharing your Fresh Store Builder review!
My Story:
Today was checking my emails, noticed some unknown emails right in to my inbox and that was from the visitors trying to buy some items from my website. Right after reading that email, logged in to my Amazon associate account and Hey I was earning commission from one of my store.
I created that store in the mid of April 2015, just populated the store with a lot of products and categories, no unique content, spun content, no marketing or anything like that and then I left that store and just visited today. The store is having constant checkouts each day, and the exciting thing is that some of the store pages are ranking on the first page of Google.
100% organic traffic, and the visitors are contacting me and sending emails to provide them the link of the products which aren’t on the store. Lol that’s freaking crazy, never seen that kind of thing before where customers are asking you for products.
Now I just realized the power of the FSB, and feeling very happy. I just did one thing before starting that store, niche research and nothing more because I was more interested in creating stores for others. Now, you can see the potential of FSB from my story.
I am thinking to promote that store and will update it with unique content, since that’s what it need this time, more consideration. Here’s what I have learned so far from this, and which can definitely help us in long term. Do some niche research, select low competition but with high search volume. Create unique stores, with unique content, start with few products and spun the content of the products (or the best is to write new content for each product). FSB and it’s team has provided all the guides and it’s really very helpful, trust me.
Just wanted to thank you Carey Baird and his team members, for creating such a great software, for providing us the quality product which actually work as you claim, a complete autopilot business. You guys are awesome!