Existing members will know Corky from the forums, as he has been contributing regularly and sharing his earning store.
Here is a short testimonial taken from the private forum.

I am only a 6 month user of FSB, but without any prior knowledge of the product I jumped in and in less than 6 months of almost NO effort, my store is making over $100 a month and growing every week with bigger sales numbers from pure SEO alone. I am doing my second store by following these videos and my only complaint is that they cannot come out fast enough! I LOVE this product, and I’ve got to admit, I’ve been a professional internet application developer since 1995. I speak multiple programming languages and I’ve worked for the likes of NASA and G.E. among other esteemed companies, and all of that seems like a waste now, compared to how easy these FSB stores make online commerce. I wish I had learned about them years ago, and am building stores now as fast as I can. I expect it won’t be long before I can quit working for “the man” thanks to FSB and I can’t agree more with the above posters. Get on this deal and don’t sleep, don’t be late and don’t skip it. That would be your mistake!
Cheers to Carey, the FSB team and all of you giving this thing a go. You won’t be sorry, if you stick to the plan being outlined in these videos! I didn’t have them and my store does great. I can’t wait to see how the next ones do after all I’m learning here!

Website: Ops Surplus
Thank you Corky and we look forward to seeing even more success over the coming months!