This version comes with 9 BIG new features, essential updates to the Amazon API, plus a host of other features and improvements.
Due to the important changes to the Amazon API, all members can now find this version in your account.
We strongly recommend Fresh Store Instant as the best way to run your Amazon and eBay stores:
==> Get Fresh Store Instant (Members Only Offer)
(pssst.. a quick hint on why, here is a page speed report for one of my stores on Fresh Store Instant: https://share.freshlabs.team/yAu49pwJ )
Walkthrough Video
This video will walk you through the most important changes, including some essential checks you need to make for the Amazon API and earning commissions:
Hurry up then…. what is new?
I have 9 major feature highlights for this version and roughly 65 total features, fixes and improvements.
Fresh Store v10.1 Key New Features
- New Amazon API Integration
This is the boring but important one.. Amazon have created a new v5 of their PAAPI (Product Advertising API).
In simple terms, this is how your store talks to Amazon to get the product details, and we needed to update the code to do it.
It was a big job, but it’s all done now, and all you need to do is make sure your Amazon API Keys and links are working (see the video). - Custom Products!
This is the big one!
You can now add ANY kind of product to your store, using Custom Products.
You can use this to add products from any online shop with an affiliate program (e.g. Etsy, Walmart)
Or, you can use it to sell your own products and take payments directly (e.g. via PayPal).
Check the video for the full details. - Customer and Email Export
The export feature for the emails you collect has now been improved to contain the signup date, IP address and more info.
You can also sort the emails now by date. - Related Products on eBay Pages
On an eBay single product page, you can now add related products. These can be custom products, other eBay products or Amazon. - Instagram Social Media Link
There is now an icon and option to add Instagram to your store. - Improved FreshAdmin search feature
You can now search all places inside your FreshAdmin dashboard, and even search through your parameters and settings! - eBay Products in RSS Feeds
Your store RSS feeds now include eBay products. - New Amazon Locales
You can now build Amazon stores for Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (this last one is potentially a BIG market!) - A better Google Analytics integration!
The old way was tricky.. So we replaced it with a new, easy way to add Analytics reports to your store.
Fresh Store v10.1 Improvements List
These are the smaller features and improvements we have made in this version, that are worth noting:
- Added beamer to FreshAdmin so you get the latest updates from us
- Improved the loading time for template pages in your admin area
- Added meta information on email checkout page.
- Fixed checkbox on sidebox edit page.
- Added Google Microdata default values.
- Updated All Products link in the sidebar categories.
- Updated eBay integration to add Cars too.
- Removed option to add products now on Add Products by ASIN.
- Added single product page for eBay in fluid template.
- Improved eBay calls limits
- Improved checkout reports and dashboard graphs.
- Updated social icons and their options.
- Removed duplicate amazon original description.
- Improved custom image upload section.
- Improved homepage product slider.
- Added button if variation is out of stock.
- Improved RSS feed buy links.
- Improved Impact template product slider.
- Improved products with 3 variation section.
- Improved related product section for Amazon products.
- Reduced JS code in store.
- Improved store api keys section.
- Added code to Auto clean up eBay cache and tables.
- Updated product count on FreshAdmin Dashboard.
- Improved best seller widget on home page.
- Updated SearchIndexes to support PAAPI 5.0.
- Improved add to cart feature in store.
See the video for more details on the above.
As usual, if you are self hosted pretty please backup your store and database We don’t want you to lose all your hard work!
Fresh Store Instant members stores are automatically backed up. All you need to do is click “Upgrade” (or the “Upgrade All” button if you have a lot of stores and want to save time)
After upgrading you must check your API keys and links to make sure everything is working fine and the right Amazon Tag is being used for your links. See the video for help with this.
Note that the store licensing was turned back on a couple of versions back. Please check this announcement if you haven’t done already.
How do I get the new version?
For Fresh Store Instant members, simply login to your account and click “Upgrade” or “Upgrade All” next to your stores.
For self hosted members, you can download the zip file inside your account.
Features (11)
#1916 – Updated Amazon API to support PAAPI 5.0.
#1935 – Added API Amazon Tag.
#1791 – Added option to add custom products.
#1849 – Added more fields into CSV.
#1850 – Added option to sort emails by date.
#1877 – Added related products to eBay single page.
#1886 – Added instagram social media link option.
#1891 – A better freshadmin search feature.
#1895 – Added eBay products to RSS feeds.
#1919 – Added Turkey as amazon locale.
#1920 – Added United Arab Emirates as amazon locale.
#1854 – New Google Analytics integration.
Improvements (30)
#1940 – Removed amazon.php file.
#1853 – Improved the loading time for template pages.
#1856 – Added meta information on email checkout page.
#1857 – Fixed checkbox on sidebox edit page.
#1858 – Added Google Microdata default values.
#1863 – Updated All Products link in the sidebar categories.
#1865 – Updated eBay integration to add Cars too.
#1868 – Removed option to add products now on Add Products by ASIN.
#1869 – Added single product page for eBay in fluid template.
#1870 – Improved eBay calls limit.
#1871 – Improved checkout reports and dashboard graphs.
#1875 – Updated social icons and their options.
#1880 – Removed duplicate amazon original description.
#1881 – Improved custom image upload section.
#1897 – Improved homepage product slider.
#1898 – Added button if variation is out of stock.
#1894 – Added beamer to FreshAdmin.
#1896 – Improved RSS feed buy links.
#1900 – Improved Impact template product slider.
#1901 – Improved products with 3 variation section.
#1902 – Improved related product section for Amazon products.
#1906 – Reduced JS codes in store.
#1908 – Improved store api keys section.
#1913 – Added codes to Auto clean up eBay cache and tables.
#1915 – Improved FreshAdmin search.
#1921 – Updated product count on FreshAdmin Dashboard.
#1927 – Improved best seller widget on home page.
#1928 – Updated SearchIndexes to support PAAPI 5.0.
#1933 – Improved add to cart feature in store.
Bugs & Fixes (24)
#1939 – Fixed SQL error on homepage slider.
#1851 – Fixed button alignment issue on checkout page.
#1852 – Fixed issue with homepage slider on button click.
#1855 – Updated broken link for the instructions on dashboard page for Google Analytics.
#1859 – Fixed design issue with template options table.
#1860 – Fixed fluid template’s product slider issue.
#1861 – Fixed design issue with icons disappearing in freshadmin.
#1864 – Fixed issue with Footer text color.
#1867 – Fixed issue with pagination on eBay product finder page.
#1873 – Fixed category autopopulate product issue.
#1876 – Fixed issue with amazon keys on 10ss demo stores.
#1882 – Fixed checkout email page issue.
#1884 – Fixed custom image blank page issue.
#1885 – Removed hardcoded test URL in .htaccess file.
#1889 – Fixed “Failed to load plugin” tiny_mce Error.
#1890 – Fixed redirection issue after deleting expired products.
#1903 – Fixed find product feature.
#1905 – Fixed buy from amazon link.
#1907 – Fixed potential SQL injection vulnerability.
#1912 – Fixed error in callback script.
#1918 – Fixed issue with adding products via ASIN.
#1923 – Fixed issue with product bundles.
#1924 – Fixed freshadmin logo redirection issue.
#1925 – Fixed freshadmin search for settings keyword.
⭐️ Anything Else? ⭐️
Please make sure you read through this post, especially the “Important Info”, and apart from that… enjoy this new version!
The credit and thanks for this version goes to my team who are tirelessly working to improve our products and support all of my Fresh Tribe members (that means you!).
If you are not a Fresh Store Instant member, use the link below:
Fresh Store Instant: Click to join here and double your stores
Thank you for being part of our Fresh Tribe and I hope you enjoy the new version!