A Fresh Store Builder & Earnings Proof
This review by Fresh Store Builder member “Dzign Geekz” tells the story of launching his first store in April and making his first sales in May. Thank you for sharing your Fresh Store Builder review!
Paid vs Free Traffic: Which Is Better For Your Amazon Store Blog
You have your Amazon store blog set up and you’re publishing great optimized content. So now you may be wondering, “How do I get eyes on my posts and the products in my Amazon affiliate store?” Hopefully this will help …
The No-Excuse Way To Create Blog Content That Draws Free Traffic
One simple way to get a boatload of free traffic to your Amazon store blog is by providing high quality content. Not a great writer? No worries . . . there are still ways you can produce great blog content without having to write it all from scratch yourself.
On-Page SEO: 7 Ways To Optimize Your Amazon Store Blog Posts
In our post about the benefits of blogging, you learned a thing or two about the importance of having a blog associated with your Amazon store. But before you begin to look for free traffic sources, you need to first implement several “on-page SEO” techniques designed to make your blog posts more inviting to the […]
Choosing the Right WordPress Theme For Your Amazon Store Blog
Using WordPress, provides a great way for you to get your Amazon store blog up and running. It takes only a few minutes to install through your hosting account, and it’s fairly easy to use and maintain. One of the wonderful things about WordPress is how easily you can change the entire design and functionality […]
The Benefits of Blogging For Your Amazon Affiliate Stores
You may be wondering, “Why should I have a blog connected to my Amazon stores?” The answer is simple: to help attract customers. To be sure, one of the most successful ways to build your online presence, your brand and a community of followers, is by blogging. And here are four good reasons to start […]
Fresh Store Builder Version 6 – New Features
In this video I show you the latest features added to Fresh Store Builder in version 6. We have a new install process, exit intent popups, full language translation and more.
Fresh Store Builder Review by Otto Thompson
Otto is an expert in Drop Shipping and creates honest, energetic and inciteful reviews of products in that area including this Fresh Store Builder Review. Read on to see what Otto has to say and how he is building a hands free online business.
Exclusive Deals for Fresh Store Builder Members
Did you know that as a Fresh Store Builder member you get access to exclusive deals on other products? Read on to find out how Mike, one of our long term members, has benefited and how you can to.